Maya speakers in Chiapas wear traditional dress that sets them apart from one another. Although Ladino dress is increasingly common, especially among Maya Protestant converts and Maya city dwellers, any Maya from the groups shown below can immediately pick out their own traditional cloathing style. The images provide a visual tool to identify three of the most common traditional Maya groups in SE Chiapas. The individuals shown speak respectively Tzeltal Maya, TOJOLABAL MAYA, and Tzotzil Maya.

Tzeltal Maya speakers from Tenejapa in traditional dress

Tzeltal Maya speakers from Tenejapa, Chiapas, Mexico       Tzeltal Maya speaker from Tenejapa, Chiapas, Mexico

Tojolabal Maya speakers from Las Margaritas in traditional dress

Tojolabal Maya speaker from Las Margaritas, Chiapas, Mexico       Tojolabal Maya speaker from Las Margaritas, Chiapas, Mexico

Tzotzil Maya speakers from Zinacantan and Chamula in traditional dress

Tzotzil Maya speakers from Zinacantan and Chamula in traditional dress       Tzotzil Maya speakers from Zinacantan and Chamula in traditional dress